Year 6

With Mrs Millner and Mrs McMillan.

Hello Year 6!

Time is really flying by right now...It's hard to believe that we are now entering our final half-term together!

Our P.E./Forest School day is still on a Tuesday.

This page will also be updated with any photos and videos of our learning in school. Take a look at our 'Year 6 Gallery' near the bottom of the page.

Use the 'useful links' below the 'Year 6 Gallery' to visit websites such as Purple Mash and TT Rockstars etc. 

Remember, you can contact us by email on You can send us any work completed to this email address. 

Let us know if you need any help or have any questions.

Mrs Millner and Mrs McMillan


Click HERE or HERE to play a game to practise your spellings. Choose the level/year group that you need to practise. How many can you spell correctly? You could also use your own choice of strategy that we use in our spelling lessons to help you remember the spellings (pyramid, coloured pencil, drawing images etc) 


HOMEWORK overview

Please work through your revision booklets at your own pace, and note down anything you are struggling with so we can help you in school.

Homework is to be completed in your Homework Journal, or on the worksheet (if supplied).

From WC 08/01/24 Year 6 Homework will be issued weekly on a Friday, to be returned the following Thursday.  Don't forget, Mr Taylor will be running Homework Club in school on Wednesday afternoons, so if you think you may have difficulty finding the quiet space that you need to complete your homework, please sign up!


Homework Week 1 (19.04.24) TO BE RETURNED 25.04.24

Please complete the maths worksheet: Area of compound shapes.  Click here for a copy if you have misplaced yours.

Homework Week 2 (26.04.24)

Revision, revision, revision.  We're getting close now, so work on your gaps!  Practise your multiplication tables.  Learn your grammar terminology (look at the SPAG section below!)

Homework Week 3 (02.05.24)


Spring 1 and 2 Homework (see below).  

We will leave this homework available in case you would like to revisit it!

Homework Week 1 (12.01.24)

Spelling lists (will be sent home with your child).

Revision from CGP booklets as required.

Word problems (will be sent home with your child).  Click here to download a copy.

Homework Week 2 (19.01.24)

Spelling lists (will be sent home with your child).

Revision from CGP English booklet.  Please use page 21 (click here to view) and work through the information about standard and non-standard English.  Make notes in your homework book as needed.

Complete the "Standard English" exercise that you have been given.  Click here to download an image if you lose the sheet!

Homework Week 3 (26.01.24)

Spelling lists (will be sent home with your child).

Revision from CGP booklets as required.

Please complete the homework sheet "Unit 4 Sentences".  The focus is proof reading, editing and rewriting.  Ensure you use neat, joined handwriting to complete your work.  Click here to download an image if you have lost the sheet!

Homework Week 4 (02.02.24)

Spelling lists (will be sent home with your child).

Revision from CGP booklets as required.  Please focus this week on Fractions, Decimals and Percentages.  There is a page of questions on page 52.  Please use the FDP chapter beginning on page 40 to support you with your work.  Click here to download an image of the page.

Homework Week 5 (09.02.24 - for over half-term)

Spelling lists (will be sent home with your child).

Revision from CGP booklets as required.

Please complete these SPaG practise questions from your Blue (English) CGP revision book.  We have sent a copy home for you to work on.  Please click here for Page 1 or Page 2.

Also, please complete practise questions on arithmetic from page 39 of your Red (Maths) CGP book.  These are to be completed in your homework book.

Homework Spring 2 Week 1 (23.02.24)

Spelling lists (will be sent home with your child).

Revision from CGP booklets as required.

English - comprehension, SATS-style questions.   TEXT  PAGE 1 Qs   PAGE 2 Qs

Your child has been provided with a copy of the sheets required.  This homework is due to be returned on Thursday 29th February.

Homework Spring 2 Week 2 (01.03.24)

Spelling lists (will be sent home with your child).

Revision from CGP booklets as required.

Writing Homework - "Anna".  Your child has been provided with a story writing prompt.  This homework is due to be returned on Thursday 7th March.

Homework Spring 2 Week 3 (08.03.24)

Spelling lists (will be sent home with your child).

Revision from CGP booklets as required.  ee below:

For maths, please revise percentages by using page 55 in the CGP book.  The title is "Percentage Problems"

For English, please revise verbs and verb tenses on pages 18 and 19.

Homework Spring 2 Week 4 (15.03.24)

Spelling lists (will be sent home with your child).

Revision from CGP booklets as required.

Please complete the work on "Synonyms and Antonyms" given out in school.  Copies can be found here (Page 1) and here (Page 2).

Homework Spring 2 Week 5 (22.03.24)

Spelling lists (will be sent home with your child).

Revision from CGP booklets as required.

Reading comprehension exercise - sent home on a sheet.  Click here for a copy.

Homework Spring 2 Week 6 (28.03.24 - for over the Easter break)

By now you should know what you need practise with!  Use your revision books to practise what you need to practise!  



There are five tasks: 

1. Read the story starter and continue the story.

2. Sentence challenge adding adverbs.

3. Question time.

4. Improve the 'sick' sentences.

5. Perfect Picture


Maths activities for you to complete at home:


Spring 1 - Animals including Humans 


 Our topic this half term is World War Two



There are songs and resources for you to explore on YUMU.

Your username is your full name and your password is your class name (all lowercase) For example, if Bob Jones was in Pigeon class, his login details would be:                            

Username: bobjones           Password: pigeon.


Explore the impact our choices of energy sources have on our planet. Create a piece of art to show this.


Use the link below and click on 'FREE'. Enter the log in details:

Username- Intake4155  

Password - lahome 

Once logged in, make sure you click the Spanish flag. Look at the super challenge units for our current topic or the other levels if you would like to revise or practise.

CLICK HERE to log in.


Life is a journey. This half term, we are looking at journeys within different religions. 


We are learning all about how to keep 'Keeping Ourself Safe' this term.

As you grow up, and become more independent new things you will have to look out for to keep yourself safe could be: internet safety, dangers to your health and making the correct choices with your friends.

Create a poster or drawing showing a situation you may be in at high-school, where you may have to make a sensible choice, so that you keep yourself safe.


Remember to send your work to

Remember to email your completed work to us!

Remembrance Day

Please take at look at the Pelicans video.

Activity File Share

Below you can see the folders where we will share the materials you will need for your learning.  Open the folder and click the file you need to open or save.


star Readers!

Our star readers for Spring 1 are . . .

Eagles: Madison and Luqman.

Pelicans: Alisha and Mishall.

Click the logo to log in!

Remember to log in to My On to practise your reading skills each day using your Accelerated Reader details. 

Once you have finished reading your book, take the book quiz. When you log in, you will find projects set that you need to complete. If you need any help with your login, then please contact us by email.


Look below for some fabulous examples of our learning in Year Six!

These are the PowerPoints we made with our friends whilst some of the other pupils were away at Robinwood.

Maryam and Scarlet 2.pptx
mo salman and martines2.pptx
CRISTIANO RONALDO musa and wasiq [Autosaved].pptx
The history of cristaino ronaldo.pptx
All about Saudi arabia Ayesha and marva.pptx
Presentation1 aiza and Izna.pptx
Liverpool fc Eesa and Abu.pptx
Mohamed and Lawy.pptx
mishall and alisha besties dubai.pptx

See below for examples of our amazing homework!


If you have any questions or to send us your work, please email us on this address 


Use your Accelerated Reader login to access online books on 'My ON'. You can login in to search for eBooks to read linked to your Accelerated Reader account. CLICK HERE  or on the my ON logo to go to the login page.

If you need any help with your login, please ask

Every week a popular children's author or illustrator will provide you with free books, exclusive videos and their top three recommended reads. 

CLICK HERE or on the logo to access and explore the website.

Click on the logos below to access the web pages.

Click on the Letter Join logo to go to the login page.

Eagles Log in Details Pelicans Log in Details

Username: intack_14    Username: intack_15

Password: eagles   Password: pelicans

Click on the IDL logo to go to the login page.

Maths and English activities

Don’t forget your username is your first name and initial of surname then the school postcode.

So Mickey Mouse would be:


The password is password.

FREE audiobooks!

Click on the 'Audible stories' icon to choose a story to listen to from a great collection. There are lots of stories for you to choose from!

Useful resources




Multiplication square

Click here for an online place value grid to help you with multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 or 1000.  (Remember if multiplying you move the numbers left and if dividing you move the numbers to the right).