Year 6
With Mrs Millner and Mrs McMillan.
Welcome back to Spring Term 2, Year 6!
For the next half term, homework will continue to be given out weekly with an expectation that it will be completed! The weekly homework will help you as you continue your revision for your SATS tests in May. It will also help you begin to get ready for High School!
Please encourage your child to complete their weekly homework. The Year 6 team provide a space on Wednesday lunchtime for pupils to complete any unfinished homework in advance of the return date.
As always, there are the 'useful links' below the 'Year 6 Gallery' to visit websites such as Purple Mash and TT Rockstars etc.
Parents...why not visit to support your children with their maths learning?
Your child can access 1 minute maths at:
The code this week is win-pup-gid .
Remember, you can contact us by email on You can send us any work completed to this email address.
Let us know if you need any help or have any questions.
Mrs Millner and Mrs McMillan
Year 6 homework will continue to be given out weekly. Issued on a Friday, to be returned the following Thursday.
Previous Homework from spring 1
Week 5 (7th Feb)
English - Story writing. To celebrate "National Storytelling Week", we would like pupils to write their own short story based on the character of "Lola Long Legs" that was developed during the writing workshop on Monday 3rd February. Click on the image on the left to download a copy of the document. Please return for Thursday 13th February! Thank you!
Week 6 (14th Feb)
Revision. Please use your revision books to practise the areas that you found tricky on the recent assessments. Just a few minutes a day can make an enormous difference! Make a note of the pages you have looked at in your Homework book. Also, please note down areas that you are finding difficult so that we can look at these in school. Thank you!
Explore the writing activities about 'Magnetised' by CLICKING HERE.
There are five tasks:
1. Read the story starter and continue the story.
2. Sentence challenge adding adverbs.
3. Question time.
4. Improve the 'sick' sentences.
5. Perfect Picture
You could also have a go at using some creative writing prompts to write a story. CLICK HERE.
Click HERE or HERE to play a game to practise your spellings. Choose the level/year group that you need to practise. How many can you spell correctly? You could also use your own choice of strategy that we use in our spelling lessons to help you remember the spellings (pyramid, coloured pencil, drawing images etc)
Complete Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation revision activities on BBC Bitesize online by CLICKING HERE.
Log in to IDL for spelling work to complete.
Have a go at a SPAG question a day:
Read at home on My On. Remember to take a quiz once you complete your book. Will you be in the top 3 readers this week?
Have a go at 'Reading Bingo'. CLICK HERE
Complete reading activities on Purple Mash.
Maths activities for you to complete at home:
Log in to TT Rockstars to practise your times tables.
Practise your 5-a-day Arithmetic on Corbett maths. You can choose your level of difficulty from bronze, silver, gold or platinum! CLICK HERE to access.
Practise your mental maths by playing the daily 10 game. CLICK HERE to play.
Spring 1 - Being Healthy - The Human Circulatory System, The Human Respiratory System
Our topic this half term is "The Golden age of Islam"
Remember, it is important to keep yourself active and healthy not just for your physical wellbeing but also for your mental health. There are workouts available to do at any time on Joe Wicks' YouTube channel - CLICK HERE to access.
Pelicans will be attending swimming lessons from Tuesday 14th January. Please make sure you have returned your signed consent form! Swimming is a compulsory part of the PE National Curriculum.
Explore the impact our choices of energy sources have on our planet. Create a piece of art to show this.
You can log in to Language Angels Home Learning website to look at our current topic: El Fin De Semana-The Weekend. You can also revise and practise previous topic!
Use the link below and click on 'FREE'. Enter the log in details:
Username- Intake4155
Password - lahome
Once logged in, make sure you click the Spanish flag. Look at the super challenge units for our current topic or the other levels if you would like to revise or practise.
CLICK HERE to log in.
Life is a journey. This half term, we are looking at journeys within different religions.
We are learning all about how to keep 'Keeping Ourself Safe' this term.
As you grow up, and become more independent new things you will have to look out for to keep yourself safe could be: internet safety, dangers to your health and making the correct choices with your friends.
Create a poster or drawing showing a situation you may be in at high-school, where you may have to make a sensible choice, so that you keep yourself safe.
Please click here for Forest School activities.
Remember to send your work to
Eagles will be attending Forest School lessons weekly with Mrs Hatch from Tuesday 7th January. Please make sure your clothing is suitable for outdoor activities!
Remember to email your completed work to us!
Activity File Share
Below you can see the folders where we will share the materials you will need for your learning. Open the folder and click the file you need to open or save.
star Readers!
Our star readers for Spring 1 are . . .
Eagles: Fatimah with 786,946 words read in Spring 1,
Asma with 72,791 words read in Spring 1.
Pelicans: Imaan-Fatima with 189,200 words read in Spring 1.
Laiba with 90,703 words read in Spring 1.
Remember to log in to My On to practise your reading skills each day using your Accelerated Reader details.
Once you have finished reading your book, take the book quiz. When you log in, you will find projects set that you need to complete. If you need any help with your login, then please contact us by email.
Look below for some fabulous examples of our learning in Year Six!
Homework Hall of Fame
Well done to these children in Pelicans for returning all homework on time (without losing it!)
Usman, Fatima F, Habibah, Imaan, Ibrahim, Adan, Imaan-Fatima and Maryam.
If you have any questions or to send us your work, please email us on this address
Use your Accelerated Reader login to access online books on 'My ON'. You can login in to search for eBooks to read linked to your Accelerated Reader account. CLICK HERE or on the my ON logo to go to the login page.
If you need any help with your login, please ask
Every week a popular children's author or illustrator will provide you with free books, exclusive videos and their top three recommended reads.
CLICK HERE or on the logo to access and explore the website.
Click on the logos below to access the web pages.
Useful resources

Multiplication square
Click here for an online place value grid to help you with multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 or 1000. (Remember if multiplying you move the numbers left and if dividing you move the numbers to the right).