
With Mrs Scott and Mrs Boardman


There are lots of interesting and exciting things to learn about this term. Our theme is 'All About Me' and our curiosity question is 'What can you do?'. We will be learning all about ourselves, our family and our new friends in school. 

We will meet our new class friend 'Ginger' who will teach us all about our new class rules: 

In English we will be learning a new story called 'Rosie's Walk'. With Mrs Roberts and Mrs Patel we will learn lots of different poems too! 

In Maths, we will learn how to sort, compare and match objects. 

We will explore different people who help us, for example parents, nurses, doctors, firefighters, police, paramedics etc. 

Our PE day is MONDAY. Please remember to wear your PE uniform to school on Monday. Our PE uniform is a white t-shirt, black or blue jogging bottoms / leggings, socks, trainers and your school jumper or hoodie. Please make sure you also bring a coat to school as the weather does change during the day.

Please remember to read your home reading book at least three times a week and make sure your reading record is signed by a grown-up each time you have read.

Take care and stay safe,
Mrs Scott and Mrs Boardman

Mrs Scott

Penguins Class



Mrs Boardman
Swallows Class


Our curriculum is designed around the needs of our young children and is organised into seven areas of Learning and Development.


Communication and Language experiences are about:


Personal, Social and Emotional experiences are about:


Physical Development experiences are about:


Literacy experiences are about:


Mathematics experiences are about:

Understanding the World experiences are about:


Expressive Arts & Design experiences are about:


Topic - Yes I Can! 

Our topic focus is called 'Yes I Can'. We will be reading lots of non-fiction books about different families and people who help us. 

Our key vocabulary for our topic this half term is: me, special, family, friend, see, touch, hear, smell, taste, feelings, like, don't like

Our Talk 4 Writing story is called 'Rosie's Walk' and we will learn lots of new vocabulary to describe how Rosie moves in the story for example under, over, across etc . All the children will bring their story maps home to learn with a grown-up. 

Our key vocabulary for our story this half term is: hen, across, yard, around, pond, over, haystack, past, mill, through, fence, under and beehive.

We will continue to do lots of singing each day, learning new songs and poems weekly and listening to some fabulous stories from our story treasure basket. 

Communication and language

We will be doing lots of talking and learning all about each other, our families and the people who help us. We will read stories and discuss what the vocabulary means in them. We will be encouraged to use our new vocabulary and what we have previously learnt during our day to day learning. 

We will be practising to retell simple stories and listening to longer stories during carpet time. 

We will work hard to follow two-step instructions and answer questions beginning with 'why'. 

We will work in small groups to develop our vocabulary using the Wellcomm Big Book of Ideas. 

Personal, Social and Emotional

Physical Development

Gross Motor

Our fundamental movement skill that we are developing this half term is jumping. The children will also start some extra sessions on Friday mornings with Mr Stretch to help develop their gross motor skills. 

Fine Motor 

We are beginning our daily Little Wandle handwriting sessions. We are learning formation phrases for each letter of the alphabet. We will learn one new letter each day. We will also be working really hard to develop our scissor skills. 

Literacy - Phonics

We have phonics sessions daily. Our phonics scheme is called Little Wandle. 

The children will be learning new GPCs each day, learning how to pronounce and write them. They will also be practising their oral blending skills too! 


Our themes this term are:

Understanding the World

We will be learning about:

Expressive Arts and Design

Our focus this half term will be:


Wow moments!

Keep an eye out here for any special days
we might have this half term!


Below are folders where we share the materials you will need if you need to isolate at home.

Just open the folder and click the file you need to open and save.

Remember, any questions or concerns email us on We're here to help! 

Useful websites

Phonics games

Phonics games

Oxford Owls:
reading books

Cosmic Kids

Topmarks - Maths games

BBC Bitesize - Maths

Oak National Academy - Maths

WhiteRose Maths

Cbeebies games

Intack Facebook page


Username: intack_7
Password: nursery

Movement and mindfulness

Contact US

If you have any questions, please email us on this address 😀 

Useful Resources