
With Mrs Wogden and Miss Duerden

Hello Reception!

We are looking forward to learning and exploring this half term with you. 

Please email any questions to

Our PE day is Monday. Please remember to wear your PE uniform from home.
Our PE uniform is a white t-shirt, blue tracksuit and trainers. 

Please make sure your child brings a warm winter coat everyday and appropriate shoes for outdoor play. 

Take care,
Mrs Wogden and Miss Duerden 

Mrs Wogden

Penguins Class



Miss Duerden
Swallows Class


Our curriculum is designed around the needs of our young children and is organised into seven areas of Learning and Development.


Communication and Language experiences are about:


Personal, Social and Emotional experiences are about:


Physical Development experiences are about:


Literacy experiences are about:


Mathematics experiences are about:

Understanding the World experiences are about:


Expressive Arts & Design experiences are about:

Summer 2:  what we will be learning

Topic - Our Wonderful World 

Our topic focus is called Our Wonderful World. We will be reading lots of non-fiction books, comparing where we live to other places around the world and looking at how our environment is different to others. Our Talk 4 Writing story is called The Very Hungry Caterpillar. All the children will bring home their story maps to learn at home. 

Our key vocabulary this half term is linked to story telling : caterpillar, butterfliy, cocoon, hatch, egg, nibbled

We will continue to do lots of singing each day, learning new songs weekly and listening to some fabulous stories from our treasure basket of stories.

Communication and language

We will be doing lots of talking and learning all about each other. We will read stories and discuss what the vocabulary means in them. We will be encouraged to use our new vocabulary and what we have previously learnt during our day to day learning. 

We will be creating our own stories using prompts to support us. 

We will work in small groups to develop our vocabulary using the Wellcomm Big Book of Ideas. 

Personal, Social and Emotional

Physical Development

Gross Motor

Our fundamental movement skill that we are developing this half term is throwing. The children will also start some extra sessions on a Monday with Mr Stretch to help develop their gross motor skills. 

Fine Motor 

We are continuing our daily Little Wandle handwriting sessions. We are learning formation phrases for each number. 

Literacy - Phonics

Phonic session take place daily. Our phonic scheme is called Little Wandle. 

The children will be using their existing phonics knowledge to read longer words and applying it during guided reading sessions. 


Our themes this term are:

Understanding the World

We will be:

Learning all about different environments and comparing them to where we live.


Learning about animals that are found in different countries

Special places to us

Lifecycles of butterflies, bees and ladybirds

Expressive Arts and Design

Our focus this half term will be creating an African animal picture. We will learn how to make a wash with water colour and create printing tiles to make different patterns.

Summer 2 Homework

Reception Homework Summer 2.pdf

Wow moments!

Keep an eye out here for any special days we might have this half term!

Mrs Dowson's Farm Visit

The children had an amazing time at Mrs Dowson's Farm park. They were all absolutely amazing and you should be very proud parents!

A dinosaur came to school!

The children in reception had a fantastic day when the dinosaur came to school! We explored fossils, learnt about certain dinosaurs and what they liked to eat and even saw a baby dinosaur! 

Ginger turns 5!

We had a great day celebrating our class bear turning 5! We decorated the classroom, made birthday cards and backed cakes to help him celebrate. We also organised him a birthday party where we danced and played party games.

Reception police Visit

The reception children had a lovely afternoon listening to our local PCSO talk to them how the police can help them. We talked about road safety and they all got a chance to sit in the police car and listen to the sirens!


Below are folders where we share the materials you will need if you need to isolate at home.

Just open the folder and click the file you need to open and save.

Remember, any questions or concerns email us on We're here to help! 

Useful websites

Phonics games

Phonics games

Oxford Owls:
reading books

Cosmic Kids

Topmarks - Maths games

BBC Bitesize - Maths

Oak National Academy - Maths

WhiteRose Maths

Cbeebies games

Intack Facebook page


Username: intack_7
Password: nursery

Movement and mindfulness

Contact US

If you have any questions, please email us on this address 😀 

Useful Resources