With Mrs Scott, Mrs Hackett & Mrs Forrest
Welcome to our EYFS Reception class page. On this page you will find information about the Reception classes and what children are learning each half term. Here you will find information about the EYFS curriculum and drop down menus with information about the different areas of learning.
Class names : Penguins and Swallows
Reception Class teachers : Mrs Scott, Mrs Forrest and Mrs Hackett
Reception Support Staff : Mrs Roberts, Mrs Patel , Miss Hajat, Mrs Scott, Mrs Rickwood and Mrs Hamadeh
Key messages :
Our PE day is Wednesday. Please remember to wear your PE uniform to school on this day. Our PE uniform is a white t-shirt, black or blue jogging bottoms / leggings, socks, trainers and your school jumper or hoodie. Please make sure you also bring a coat to school as the weather does change during the day. It is recommended to bring a change of spare clothes to leave in school so that children can change if they need to.
Reading books are sent home with each child in their book bags. Please remember to read your home reading book at least three times a week and make sure your reading record is signed by a grown-up each time you have read.
Homework - A home learning grid will be available at the bottom on this web page with examples of activities for children to complete at home.
Mrs Scott
Penguins Class
Mrs Forrest
Mrs Hackett
Swallows Class
Our curriculum is designed around the needs of our young children and is organised into seven areas of Learning and Development.
Communication and Language experiences are about:
Listening, attention and Understanding
Personal, Social and Emotional experiences are about:
Self Regulation
Managing Self
Building Relationships
Physical Development experiences are about:
Gross Motor Skills
Fine Motor Skills
Literacy experiences are about:
Word Reading
Mathematics experiences are about:
Numerical Patterns
Understanding the World experiences are about:
Past and Present
People, Cultures and Communities
Expressive Arts & Design experiences are about:
Creating with Materials
Being Imaginative and Expressive
Our Topic is called Once Upon a Time
We will start the topic with a special event known as a hook into our topic. The children will have a chance to play detectives and explore a traditional tale role play crime scene. The scene will give children clues to investigate the title of our new Talk 4 Writing story this term The Three Little Pigs.
Lines of Enquiry include exploring materials such as sticks, straw and bricks, exploring how forces make things move.
Our key vocabulary for our topic this half term is: : beginning / middle / end / character / setting / problem / resolution
Our Talk 4 Writing story is called The Three Little Pigs. Children will bring home a story map to help them re-tell the story at home. Children will be learning to re-tell the story in class.
Our key vocabulary for our story this half term include the words : mother / grand / strong / arrived / crashing / huffed / puffed / strong / leapt / boiling / thought / angry
Communication and language
We will develop our listening skills by listening to others in lots of different situations. We will listen to other - one to one, in groups and as a whole class.
We will listen carefully to stories with enjoyment. We will be practising to retell simple stories and listening to longer stories.
When listening to others we will be encouraged to respond with relevant comments.
We will follow sets of simple instructions and follow them.
We will have opportunity to understand a range of questions - What? Where? Who? Why?
We will work in small groups to develop our vocabulary using the Wellcomm Big Book of Ideas.
Personal, Social and Emotional
We follow the SCARF scheme for PSED. Our focus theme is all about valuing differences and keeping safe. The theme we will cover over this half term include:
Rights and Respect
Looking after my special people
Looking after my friends
Being helpful at home and caring for our classroom
Caring for our world
Looking after money
We will take part in circle activities around these topics.
Physical Development
Gross Motor
We use our outdoor areas daily. Children have a range of equipment to help develop their gross motor skills. Children have access to climbing equipment, a range of bikes, scooters and balance bikes.
Our fundamental movement skill this half term is to develop the skill of using an under arm throw.
Fine Motor
At the start of each session fine motor activities will be available for the children to take part in and develop their skills using a range of equipment including tweezers, scissors and pencils.
Daily Little Wandle handwriting sessions take place to help children develop their letter formation . We are learning formation phrases for each letter of the alphabet. We will learn one new letter each day.
We have phonics sessions daily. Our phonics scheme is called Little Wandle.
The children will be learning new GPCs each day, learning how to pronounce and write them. They will also be practising their oral blending skills.
Children will revisit sounds from Phase 2 and/or begin to learn new sounds from Phase 3 sounds.
Phase 3 sounds - ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, oo, ar, or, ur, ow,oi, ear, air, er
In spring we will continue to develop our subitising (see below) skills for numbers within and beyond 5, and increasingly connect quantities to numerals
Subitising is the ability to instantly recognise the number of objects in a small group, without needing to count them
We will begin to identify missing parts for numbers within 5
We will explore the structure of the numbers 6 and 7 as ‘5 and a bit’ and connect this to finger patterns and pate
For further information please have a look at the specific tab titled White Rose and Mastering number for more information on this platform.
Click here for the link to the maths app which children can use at home.
Understanding the World
We will be learning about:
Seasonal changes - Signs of Spring
Different kinds of celebrations -
Mothers’ Day
Pancake Day
We will also take part in theme days :
World Book Day - Thursday 6th March
British Science Week
Materials and Forces - Linked to the wolf character children will take part in different kinds of activities to create and talk about the force of wind.
Expressive Arts and Design
We will focusing on junk modelling. Children will use different junk materials (boxes, tubes, cartons and bottles etc ) to make vehicles, caves and props to use on an adventure.
In our music sessions we will learn to sing nursery rhymes and action songs. These are the songs we will focus on this term :
Old Macdonald
Incy Wincy Spider
Row, Row, Row Your Boat
The Wheels On The Bus
The Hokey Cokey
Wow moments!
Keep an eye out here for any special days
we might have this half term!
Below are folders where we share the materials you will need if you need to isolate at home.
Just open the folder and click the file you need to open and save.
Remember, any questions or concerns email us on We're here to help!
Useful websites
Contact US
If you have any questions, please email us on this address 😀