With Miss Duerden, Ms Makda & Mrs Roberts
We have a fun action packed half term planned for all our lovely children. We will be teaching daily phonics, reading, English and maths lessons. In Science we will be learning about working scientifically and in history we will be learning about the the Victorian times. We will also be making fruit kebabs in DT and tasting lots of different fruits!
Our PE day is MONDAY. Please remember to wear your PE uniform from home. Our PE uniform is
A white t-shirt,
Black or blue jogging bottoms / leggings,
Socks and trainers
School jumper or school hoodie.
Please make sure you also bring a coat to school as the weather does change during the day.
Please remember to read your home reading book at least three times a week and make sure your reading record is signed by a grown-up each time you have read.
Work hard and always try your best!
Miss Duerden, Ms Makda and Mrs Roberts
Weekly Spellings
Spellings will be sent home every Friday.
Please check your child's book bag and help your child to spell these words without looking.
Children will have a spelling test the following week on a Friday.
Children will also bring home a Little Wandle Phonics Home Learning sheet, please help your child to read the sounds and read and write the words and sentences.
Homework Overview
Please complete your homework in your homework books.
If you complete any projects, pleAse take a photo of it and email it to us.
Use the email address in the 'contact us' section of this page.
If you complete any projects, pleAse take a photo of it and email it to us.
Use the email address in the 'contact us' section of this page.
Please click here for your Forest School lessons.
Please click here for your PE lessons with Mr Stretch
REMEMBER: exercise is really important for our bodies to keep ourselves healthy.
Click on the link to do PE with Joe Wicks -
Talk for writing
This half term we are learning the story The Disgusting Sandwich. We have had lots of fun exploring where the sandwich went and what got stuck to it! We also found a disgusting sandwich covered in gritty sand, smelly goop, slippery slime and big, black tyre marks! It was DISGUSTING!
Last half term we learned the story Little Red Riding Hood. We are learnt about good and bad characters in stories and also learnt about how stories are structured. Use the pictures below to help your child learn the story.
(Class story map coming soon!)
Click the folders below to access resources at home.
Resources from the Mastering Number parent workshop can be found in the Mastering Number folder below, please complete activites weekly with your child.
Number square to 50
Number Bonds to 10
Number bonds to 20
Tap to Contact us
** Please note: This email is for homework and general correspondence.
If you have an urgent enquiry or notice, please telephone the school office. Thank you **