Year 4
Mrs Sleigh (Kestrels) & Miss Shaw (Parrots)
Hello year 4!
Hello Kestrels and Parrots! Welcome to Year 4 and our class page.
In English we will be reading The Voices in the Park by Anthony Browne. Then we will focus on fiction writing 'The True Story of the Three Little Pigs' by Pie Corbett and non-fiction writing, instructions on 'How to Trap a Wolf'. We will also be working on our spellings, punctuation and grammar together with finding and using great vocabulary.
In Maths we will be learning all of our times tables, remember to keep practicing these at home too in readiness for the National Multiplication Tables Test in June this year. It'll soon be here! EVERYONE has a login for TT Rockstars. Ask your teacher if you don't know it, or email us for the information. Use the sheet that has been stuck in your homework books.
We shall also be working more on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division as well as fractions.
Our Science topic this term is all about 'Observing Living Things in their Habitats and Animals Including Humans' (food chains).
In Geography we will be finding out about 'All Around the World'. We are going to learn lots of new vocabulary linked to local and worldwide geography.
Our PE/Forest School is now on FRIDAY. Please remember to come in PE kit/School Tracksuit and bring a coat and jumper to school just in case the weather changes.
Please remember to bring your own water bottle to school. You can keep this in school and it will be refilled each day. We'll send them home at the end of the week for washing and returning to school the following week.
It is really important to read at home. Please read your home reader as often as possible and ask an adult to write down the pages you have read. Read 3 times a week and remember to take your MyOn test too. You can also use MyOn Digital Library. Talk about what you are reading with your parents! Ask questions if you don't understand something, and as you read, make up the pictures in your head like your very own movie! Perhaps you could share a story with younger siblings in the home? We all enjoy a good story!
Bring your reading/library books into school on a Tuesday (Star reading book) and Thursday (Star reading book/Library book) to be changed.
You must bring your book EVERY Monday if you are reading a phonics books.
Remember to work hard and always try your best.
Mrs Sleigh and Miss Shaw
Our email address is
Multiplication Tables CHECK
Hi Parents,
Please read the information below and help your child learn their times tables.
If you need any help, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Mrs Sleigh & Miss Shaw
Our email address is
Who will read the most
this half term? Click here to start reading!
Click the video to remember how to log into Purple Mash
Spring 1 Homework
Weekly Spellings
Here are the spelling lists for this week. There are 3 levels of spellings and your child will know which set of words they are learning. (Underneath the weekly spellings are the long lists for each year group so that you can practise any other individual words that your child has difficulty with).
Please help your child to learn their spellings during the week. The spelling test will be each Friday.
Each week, choose one book to read and review. You can use your home reading book (if you have finished it!), "MyOn" digital library or Oxford Owls (login details below!) to choose a book to read. When you have completed a book of your choice, please complete a book review. (Use the book review template from the file share below, or the book review task on Purple Mash to write about the story.)
Oxford Owl Logins:
Username: kestrels@ips Password: best
Username: parrots@ips Password: best
Times Tables
Please use TTRockstars or any other game/app to keep practising your times tables!
Here are some useful links:
Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (
HOMEWORK Links (Science and Topic)
This term our topic is 'Observing Living things in their Habitats and Animals, including Humans' (food chains)
We will study how animals have adapted to live in certain places and look at how we categorise animals which is called 'Classifying'.
Use a map to look at some of the places you have visited or would like to visit in the future. Choose one place. Where is it located? (Think of a town, county, region, country, continent) How far away from your home is this place? Create a factsheet to tell me interesting things about the place you have visited/would like to visit.
This year we are learning how to play the djembe, which is an African Drum. Parrots and Kestrels have their drumming lessons on a Thursday morning with their tutor from Bolton Music Service.
10 Facts about Djembe Drums | Fact File
The music genre for the half term is Rock.
You could ask your parents for permission to listen to some Rock music on YouTube or another music steaming service? Here is a link with some basic information about the genre:
Forest School
Children will take part in Forest School sessions every other week on a Friday, alternating with PE. Please make sure that your child is dressed for the weather that is forecast for that day!
Children will take part in PE sessions with Mr Stretch every other week on a Friday, alternating with Forest School. Please make sure that your child is appropriately dressed for PE - plain, dark jogging bottoms or leggings, a white t-shirt/long sleeved top and their school jumper or school tracksuit/hoodie, along with trainers. Crop tops, very short shorts and jeans are not suitable clothing for school PE lessons. Crocs are not suitable footwear. Your child will be outside for their PE lessons unless the weather is really poor, in which case, alternative activities will be taught indoors.
Below you can see the folders where Miss Molyneux and Mr Miller will share the materials you will need for your learning. Just open the folder and click the file you need to open & save.
Tap to Contact US
If you have any questions, please email us on this address 😀
Links... to make you think!
Click here to log in to your own digital library!
(You will need your login details to access this website!)
National Poetry Day
Autumn 2 - The Magician's Shop - Talk for Writing
We hope you enjoy our story!
Christmas Jumper Day and our song to all our viewers - Feliz Navidad - hope you join in!