Forest School

With Mrs Hatch

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to your Forest School page.

On this page we are going to upload seasonal Forest School activities for you to try at home if you want to in your own time.

All the activities will be able to be completed in a front or back garden, in your yard or if you are able to go on a beautiful walk! You might have to go and explore and thereafter finish some of the activities inside. Always ask for an adult helper when you are going outside.

Remember Forest School is all about having fun, being outside, and enjoying the fresh air – you can never do it wrong. Just remember all the Forest School rules and to keep yourself safe! All resources, sheets, videos and information that we upload each term will be saved in the folder at the bottom, named 'resources'.

When completing the sessions, we would love it if you could please record your wonderful finds / completed activities. This can be done in either your jotter notebook or you can record your activities with photos and ask the adult you live with to send your images to the school Facebook page or to our email  We would love to see what you get up to.

Please contact us if you have any questions on the following email Happy exploring – have fun.

Mrs Hatch and Mrs Walker


Have lots of fun and please remember to send any images you have of your completed activities. Remember there are different resources you can use from previous weeks, in the folder at the bottom of this page. Take care and stay safe. 

Please send any images you have of exploring to me, do not worry if you can not send images, write down your exploring adventures in your jotter book, have fun! Thank you. Miss Haworth . 


Spring is soon going to be here, which means better weather and more bugs appearing to identify! Searching for bugs helps us identify and learn about them, their life cycle, where they live and link them with other bugs / animals which may occur in life cycles.

Searching for minibeasts is a fun activity which we always love, we get to spend time outdoors in the fresh air and clock up the exercise!

A very important part of learning about minibeasts is learning about biodiversity and why we need to look after the bugs around us!

Think about the different areas you might find minibeasts: in dark places, under rocks, flying around, underneath leaves, behind fences, hiding in small gaps – outside you will find them in so many places.

Below are different activities which will help you explore, learn and familiarise yourself with different mini beasts.

Mini Beast hunt sheets: 

Follow 'how to build a bug hotel', creating habitats for many minibeasts.

Click the link for some facts about minibeasts: 



Exploring outdoors will create excitement and adventure! Spending time outdoors is your free time to use the environment around you with all of your different senses which will help you to explore.

Follow the link which will take you to some different exploring activities which you can choose from.

Remember you may need an adult helper for your exploring! 

Spring Flower Exploring

It is time to identify beautiful spring flowers which are starting to bloom. Spring flowers brighten up and bring colour to our garden areas, but can we recognise and name the flowers we see? 

Maybe start with a quiz to test your spring flower knowledge. 

Can you find all these spring flowers? Tick off each one, once you have spotted it. 


Den building is fun, creative, exciting, challenging and adventurous. When you design and create dens you gain so many skills and learn along the way. It is a great way to keep physically fit and on the move!

You will need to look at the space you have around you and spot the best place for your den. Think about if it is an open space in case the weather changes, would you be safe in your den, how flat the ground is, if you have resources around you such as trees and fences to attach any rope to. Next you will need to gather your resources, are you using tarp material or large to smaller branches, do you need some rope to attach resources to keep hold, or to tie resources together? Gather all the resources you need and explore your designs!

When you are designing and creating your dens make sure you help each other and work as a team! The better the team work, the greater the den! Remember – team work makes the dream work! Speak to each other and discuss what you all think – communicating will help create the best den you can make!

Remember sometimes it might not work out and might go wrong but this is when you can use problem solving and resolve the problem, creating solutions! Persevere and keep your resilience up!

Finally have fun with it! Enjoy your den making – once you have made it have fun with it and spend your day playing in it. Is it a pirate ship? An ice cream shop? Are you camping out? I’d love to hear about what you have created.

Click on the link for different types of dens you might want to create. 


Time to get creative! Toilet paper roll potted flowers - recycled materials are used, you don't need many resources and they are so fun to make. Follow the link! 

In Spring there are so many beautiful colours starting to pop up around us. For this activity I would like you to follow the sheet below and create the most colourful sheet you can. You need to search for the colours on the sheet and stick your finds to the sheet but remember, your finds must be natural resources such as leaves, petals, berries. I know at the end of this activity your sheet will be filled with so much colour! You will be surprised at how much you can find. Add more colours if you wish to. 


Autumn Challenges

Click the word document below which will take you to some fun outdoor challenges! Read each instruction carefully first and make sure you follow each step, ticking them off when you have done it. 

You could time yourself and take a picture of your creation and ask your friends if they have done the challenge. Thereafter comparing how different each challenge you have completed is from each other.

Have fun! 

Knot Tying 

Knot tying is so important in Forest School as we use it for a lot of activities. Not only is it beneficial for Forest School, but it is for yourself too as it improves coordination, gains life skills such as tying shoes and improves fine motor skills! I would love for you to learn how to tie some knots. 

Below is a link for guided practice on certain knots. I would like you to concentrate on the five different knots - they will be very useful. All you will need is a piece of string, rope or ribbon. You might need something such as a stick or a ruler to help your practice.


Before or after each Forest School session we always try to make time for Mindfulness Minutes. This is around 5 – 10 minutes of calming time, thinking about ourselves, discussing how we are feeling and talking about anything we would like to express.

We do this in many ways including:

Spend some time to write down how you are feeling, if you don't want to write anything down draw a picture and colour it in. Colouring is very therapeutic and relaxing. 

Try some cosmic kids relaxation. This clip will hopefully help you to feel really calm, strong and happy. 

ECO PROJECT - The trash hack campaign! 

During this pandemic, disposable protective materials like masks and gloves have created a new stream of hazardous waste. When it comes to tackling the world’s trash, it can be hard to know where to start. But by making “hacks” or changes in our homes, schools and communities, we can reduce our negative impact, increase our understanding and start to be part of transforming the world. The global is connected to the local!  

This campaign, 'The Trash Hack Campaign' is running from 18th January 2021 - 25th March 2021. It is time for us to make a change and help the world. We can do this in school and at home. 

Please watch this video which will give you more of an insight into this campaign . 

5th February 2021 - This week I would like you to come up with some ideas for how we can create less litter and waste. This project is one which we can all share and take part in ourselves at school and home. Think about the main topics which we discuss in school a lot REDUCE, REUSE AND RECYCLE, this might help you come up with some ideas. If you are struggling for some ideas there are some projects which have already been created on this following website: . 

You could do this task by creating some posters, writing some bullet pointed ideas down, creating a power point or many other creative ways. Next week I will share one of your ideas and we can all start a project! Lets help our world.

Our work

Below you will find images of all the activities which have been completed. You put so much effort into your Forest School sessions and I am so proud of you! Take a look through the work that has been completed and celebrate how amazing you all are.

Forest School ResourcesÂ