Year 2
With Mrs Boardman and Mrs Vachhiyat
WELCOME TO year 2!
This term we have lots of new and exciting things to learn about. We will be focusing most of our learning around phonics, reading and writing. We will also be learning new topics in Science - Healthy Living, Geography -Lets go to China! and DT - Cooking and Nutrition.
Our PE day is MONDAY. Please remember to wear your PE uniform from home. Our PE uniform is a white t-shirt, black or blue jogging bottoms / leggings, socks, trainers and your school jumper or hoodie. Please make sure you also bring a coat to school as the weather does change during the day.
Please remember to read your home reading book at least three times a week and make sure your reading record is signed by a grown-up each time you have read.
Take care and stay safe,
Mrs Boardman and Mrs Vachhiyat
Weekly spellings
Spellings will be sent home every Friday.
Please help your child to spell these words without looking.
Children will have a spelling test the following week on a Friday.
Please continue to practice spelling your year one and year two common exception words that can be found at the bottom of this page.
English - Story Maps
Please practice reading the story 'Meerkat Mail' using the story map support below. This will support your writing in English. You are all amazing story tellers!
Robins - 'Meerkat Mail'
sparrows - 'Meerkat Mail'
Homework overview
Please complete your homework in your homework books.
If you complete any projects, pleAse take a photo of it and email it to us.
Use the email address in the 'contact us' section of this page.
If you complete any projects, pleAse take a photo of it and email it to us.
Use the email address in the 'contact us' section of this page.
Physical education
Please click here for your PE lessons with Mr Fogarty
REMEMBER: exercise is really important for our bodies to keep ourselves healthy.
Click on the link to do PE with Joe Wicks -
Forest School
Please click here for your Forest School lessons.
Please use the Year 1 and Year 2 Common Exception Words list, under the Useful Resources to do spellings with your child.
Please log in to Letter Join, under the Useful Websites section and choose letters and words for your child to do for handwriting practice. Log in details can be found in your child's homework book.
Activity File Share
Contact us and email your work!
Send all of your work to us using this email address.
If you have any questions, please email us on this address 😀