Year 3
With Miss McKee & Miss Molyneux
Hello Year 3s!
Welcome to our class page.
Welcome to Year 3! We hope you have had a lovely half term holiday and you are full of energy for this new half term.
In our English work we will working on The Magic Bed by John Burningham and writing our own fantasy tale with great descriptions. Our class novel is The Diary of a Killer Cat by Anne Fine. We will be reading lots of great stories and encouraging you to become fabulous readers too. We will be practising all of your writing skills and making sure that your punctuation is great too. We will be working on great descriptions in our own stories.
In Maths we will be practising and improving skills like addition and subtraction. We will also be practising our 2s, 5s and 10 times tables and learning our 4 times tables.
Our Science work is all about Forces and Magnets which is a really fun topic. In Geography we will learning about Land Use in the UK and also finding out about Spain. In Spanish we will be learning to talk about the Seasons.
In December we will be having a SPANISH DAY. You can come dressed as a person from Spain if you like. (Maybe you could wear red and yellow which are the colours of the Spanish flag). We will be learning how to prepare and cut vegetables and following a recipe to make a Spanish Omelette (or tortilla) and we will be tasting the results! We will also be learning lots of Spanish words and having fun.
There are loads of interesting new skills to learn in Year 3 every half term and we can't wait to get started.
Our PE day is THURSDAY. Please remember to come to school in your PE kit. Our PE uniform is white t-shirt, black jogging bottoms/leggings, socks, trainers and your school jumper.
Please bring a coat and a jumper to school everyday.
If you wear glasses please bring them to school every day.
Please remember to bring your own water bottle back in to school with your name on it. You can keep this in class and refill it every day. We often need a refreshing drink of water after a busy playtime. We'll send them home at the end of each week.
Please read your home reader EVERY NIGHT and ask an adult to write down the pages you have read.
Bring your books into school EVERY Tuesday and Friday to be changed.
You must bring your book EVERY Friday if you are reading a phonics books.
Remember to keep working hard and always try your best.
Take care and stay safe.
Miss McKee and Miss Molyneux
Our email address is
Weekly Spellings
Here are the spelling lists .
There are 3 levels of spellings and your child will know which set of words they are learning. (Underneath the weekly spellings are the long lists for each year group so that you can practise any other individual words that your child has difficulty with.)
Please help your child to learn their spellings during the week.
They could try LOOK -SAY -COVER- WRITE- CHECK.
LOOK at the word. SAY it. COVER it. WRITE it from memory. Then CHECK to see if they were right.
Spelling homework will be tested every Friday. Please help them to practise. Thank you.
Home Reading
Reading is the key to all of your learning in Year 3 and throughout your life! Let's get practising!!
You can access MYON to choose books from the virtual library.
You will need your login details to access this.
If you need a reminder about your MyON user name and password click on the arrow
In MyOn, your user name is the first initial of your first name and 4 letters of your surname. Your password is abc.
So Mickey Mouse would be username mmous
password abc
Email us if you are struggling to find your way in.
Keep practising your reading every day to improve your skills.
Choose a book on MyOn on the link at the bottom of the page. Read it. Once you feel confident on it, find the quiz for that book on MyOn and answer the questions about it. Remember, you can only do the quiz for each book once, so if you don't feel confident, re-read the book before you complete the quiz.
Keep checking your own progress and how many minutes you have read for. Try to beat your score each week!
Don't forget to use IDL to practise your English skills too.
Forest School
Please click here for your Forest School lesson with Miss Haworth
PE is on THURSDAY Afternoons. Remember to wear your kit!
ask an adult to help you email your work.
Our email address is
HOmework overview
Please complete your work in your homework book or email it to us. The email address is just above this box.
Talk for Writing - portal story- by Magpies
Talk for Writing
Magpies Class performing
The Adventures of Isabel by Ogden Nash.
Kingfishers Class
Y3 expectations
Have a look at the very bottom of this page to find links to other activities to try. Have fun!
Use the Links to useful websites below
Oxford Owl home reading
Oxford Owls Go to My Class Login
Magpies Class Login
Username: 3magpies Password: 3magpies
Kingfishers Class Login
Username: 3kingfishers Password: 3kingfishers