

Year 1 Woodpeckers Class Assembly

In Science, Woodpeckers class have been learning all about floating and sinking. Watch our assembly to find out lots more. 

We hope you enjoy our virtual assembly.

Woodpeckers Class :)

Year 3 MAGPIES Class Assembly

In Magpies Class, we have worked really hard on our class assembly to say Thank You NHS.

In English we have been reading playscripts and in science we have been finding out about light and shadow.


We have used all our skills in this assembly.

We really hope you enjoy watching it.

Year 1 Owls Class Assembly

In Owls Class, during our English lessons, we have been learning about the story of Handa's Surprise.  

For PSHE, we have been learning about how fruits and vegetables help us to keep healthy.

We hope you enjoy our virtual assembly!

Year 4 Parrots Class Assembly

In Parrots Class, we have worked really hard and would like to introduce you to our class pet Turbo. 

In Science, we have been learning about how the digestive system works and we carried an investigation. 

We have been learning a sign language song about Friends forever as we have been discussing friendship.

We really hope you enjoy watching it.

Year 2 robins Class Assembly

In Robins Class, we have been learning all about a story called 'Peace at Last'. We have worked hard to retell the story and write our own stories based on Jill Murphy's version. We have also been looking at different animals and their habitats. We hope you enjoy watching our class assembly. 

Year 4 KESTRELs Class Assembly

In Kestrels class, we have been learning about "The Water Cycle" as part of our Science topic.  We have also been learning how to write explanation texts in our English work.  As the sun is the driving force behind the water cycle, we decided to base our assembly on "The Sun".  Here's hoping that our assembly will encourage warmer, brighter weather for us all as we approach our half-term break!  Enjoy!

Year 5 Toucans Class Assembly

Year 5 Jays Class Assembly

Jays would like to showcase some of our wonderful work throughout Year 5. 

We have been learning about volcanoes and chemical reactions. 

We also produced some fantastic descriptive writing based on The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and learnt a song using sign language. 

We hope you enjoy it. 

Year 2 sparrows Class Assembly

In Sparrows, we have been looking at books written by Nathan Bryon. We have discussed what we like and dislike, what puzzled us and any patterns in the stories. We have learnt the poem 'The Sound Collector' by Roger McGough and have created our own verses. We hope you enjoy our class assembly! 

Reception Class Assembly

In Reception our topic was called 'We are going to the .....'

We explored where our school was and compared Blackburn town to Blackpool town. We then pretended to go on an aeroplane to Kenya in Africa where we looked at similarities and differences. We enjoyed learning all about different animals that can be found in Kenya especially elephants. We hope you enjoy our assembly!

Year 3 kingfishers Class Assembly

In English , Kingfishers class have been learning about Iron Man and Reading for Pleasure.

In Maths, we learnt a lot about different types of lines and in music we looked at Jai Ho.

Watch our assembly to find out lots more.

We hope you enjoy our virtual assembly.

Kingfishers Class :)